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International Center for Community Development - ICCD programs change as the community needs evolve and as funding and volunteer support is available to provide services.  Some of the programs offered at the ICCD include:

After School Tutoring
International Center for Community Development - ICCD offers an innovative after-school English as a Second Language (ESL) tutoring program for school-age students who are primarily Hispanic non-English speakers, disadvantaged, underserved, coming from low income families or at-risk of educational failure and dropping out of school.  Currently ICCD serves students for three hours a day from 3:30-6:00 p.m., four days a week on an ongoing basis. The program is free of charge for qualified families and parallels the Cabarrus County School system calendar year.

Adult Education
This class teaches English as a Second Language (ESL) and Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) to adults. This day/evening program benefits working adults to help them to be able to function more successfully as members of the community. The center also provides periodic adult education classes on topics such as Parenting,  Health, and Nutrition, Wells Fargo Financial Literacy, Adult Basic Education, a step toward GED program in collaboration with Rowan Cabarrus Community College ( RCCC) and Women Empowerment programs.

Public Information
International Center for Community Development - ICCD is a relay point for information that concerns the Hispanic community. Our large facility has been used for meetings ranging from understanding motor vehicle laws and drunk driving, basic banking and insurance, Immigration and Deferred Action, Mexican Embassy document processing center to emergency preparedness

Community Outreach & Engagement
We help to improve community awareness by partnering with local organizations such as Cabarrus County Schools, the City of Concord, CMC-NE Breast health program, Cabarrus County Public Library-Cabarrus Literacy Council, Concord Police Department, Piedmont Behavioral Health ( AKA Cardinal Innovations), Concord Fire Department, Cabarrus Health Alliance, Sundrop, King B Vending, Walmart 1027, Wells Fargo, RCCC, UNCC, Toys for Tot, Local Churches, Livingstone College, and many others.

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Youth Leadership Development

International Center for Community Development - ICCD Youth Leadership Development Program. In order for our youth to be prepared to work in partnership with other youth and adults, they need to develop and enhance their leadership skills. Leadership training prepares youth to manage time, work as a team, set realistic goals, start conversations, facilitate meetings, and make effective presentations.  Promoting youth leadership development is a great way to promote positive life skills learning. The purpose of this program is to develop the knowledge, skills, and understanding youth need to become effective leaders within our culturally diverse community.

Technology Center

Funding provided by Dollar General Literacy Grant

We are very excited about the computer lab that our in house IT person, James Wilmoth, and volunteer, William Soriano, setup in late March 2013. Programs we intend to offer to the community include Computer Literacy Classes for children and adults. We know this program is in great demand because we had a waiting list even before the lab was setup!

Early Learning Program

Coming Soon




​Find us:   Office Address: 30 Union St. N.'  Concord, NC 28025 
ICCD Education Center: 30 Union Street North, Concord, NC 28025

 Mailing: P O Box 1265, Concord, NC 28026

© 2013  International Center for Community Development - ICCD

A 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization 

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